Saturday, 8 August 2009

Submission rules

I don't think this will be much of a concern for most of you but if you're not sure here's a few rules to abide to:

1. Please submit no more than 2 pieces.
2. Please make it more than a stick figure!
3. No explicit gore, violence, sex, adult themes etc.
4. No fanart (OC characters are fine).
5. Keep it just pencil/ink lineart. No colour.
6. Don't make it HUGE! It will be scaled down to fit.
7. Have fun!

If you have an other questions please email me, my email can be found on the form.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Public doodles

Here's a few drawings some artists have contributed that will appear in the special doodles section:

Cathy Chi:

Kat Marks:

If you'd like to offer some small drawings, please read the form at the top of the blog. You can also pick up a form at this year's Ayacon (look for the Itch table in the dealers room - although I'll be sharing with Itch, Itch is not involved with this publication.)


Here's an overview of what will be included in the book:

  • Showcase artwork - an initial sketch and fully coloured/rendered/finished artwork on a 2 page spread so you can compare the images.
  • Step by step images - a more in depth look at how an artwork is produced from starting shapes to a finished piece.
  • Public pictures - you who have kindly submitted a piece to be added in the special public doodles section.
  • Introduction of each artists - just so you know who is who!

Monday, 3 August 2009

Blog is up!!

Yay! We've finally got a title and a blog, which will hopefully organise stuff a little.

I hope to update this blog with pics that will be included in the book, mostly what the public have entered. I will put up details of how to submit a pic into our book soon.